

-427 Karma

mainchan shared account password 234anonymous

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Joined 1 year ago
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anonymous234 -9 points

Yh go down vote All the posts on this account

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anonymous234 -8 points

I like rain's idea

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anonymous234 -5 points

>willingly giving your personal information to a dev that has admitted to having shit coding practices and not adding documentation

I'm sure the website is full of security holes, and if by some miracle it manages to become popular it will be hacked in no time.

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anonymous234 -5 points

I've been using mainchan since last year when chichero shilled it on >>>/g/, and I feel like I've seen this happen a couple of times. Looks like there's another long time user that only logs in to downvote posts.

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anonymous234 -6 points

>Hitler killed a lot of white people


>He's the reason you have so much immigration in Europe

so u r racist?

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anonymous234 -5 points

cause I asked for one reason to hate him

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anonymous234 -5 points

what happened here?

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anonymous234 -3 points

fuck commies

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s/testsub · Posted by anonymous234 1 year ago
anonymous234 -5 points

thq faggot

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anonymous234 -4 points

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anonymous234 -4 points


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anonymous234 -3 points

Your mom is fake and gay

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anonymous234 -3 points

Giraffes are fake and gay.

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anonymous234 -3 points

he was a bastard son of a Rothschild

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anonymous234 -5 points


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anonymous234 -4 points

you love cock

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anonymous234 -5 points

don't be a faggot and use vanilla js

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anonymous234 -5 points

>still quite don't know

*still don't quite know*

I guess I need to proof read my posts more carefully

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anonymous234 -4 points


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