1840 Karma
I used to post daily memes :) Also the first to make a meme related to mainchan. Also first cat and dog on mainchan. im better than you
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Where are you getting these bruises from
I thought I had it tough. Hope you making good progress.
I dont think any does that other than you.
Maybe gaystation was right, maybe you are anonymous234.
Or maybe your just an incel.
Edit: Cicero is chill
Are you doing the mainchan quiz in 2024
I know
It's been hard to import stuff into the country because of Christmas
I put way too much effort into writing this post
It's a very cute doggie
For a moment I thought rain wouldnt make a post about national cookie exchange day but luckily they pulled through
I'll put that on my bucket list
Well I dont play table top games but if I did I would totaly play this one
I want to like this game so much
We are all very proud
For a moment I thought that rain wouldn't make a post about national maple syrup day but luckily he pull through
That image is totally something anon234 would post, y'know how he likes to say all mainchan users should commit suicide
You should watch it
It's very good