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SNW Finale is More Gorn Porn - Clip (indiewire.com)
s/startrek · Posted by Trek 1 year ago
s/startrek · Posted by Trek 1 year ago
I need this poster TMP is my jam (trekmovie.com)
s/startrek · Posted by Trek 1 year ago
Trek 2 points

God I hate musicals. This is going to be a tough one to watch. Anybody seen it yet? How bad is it?

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Trek 2 points

That sounded shiny for some reason. I like it.

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Trek 2 points

Nobuddy wants real aliens more than me. I'm a Star Trek nerd. I still need second opinions from scientists speaking English before I get hyped about this stuff. Doesn't make it aany less cool but I bet this is out of the news cycle in less than a week.

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Trek 2 points

Thanks. I'm at 28 guess it'll be a while

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I fucked all your moms
s/random · Posted by Trek 1 year ago
Trek 1 point

I blocked PIC S2 from my memory but now I see the similarity. I was hoping for VOY 'Future's End' but nope, PIC S2. New Trek doesn't even make me mad anymore just sad.

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Trek 1 point

Good thing they didn't bring Ortegas. She would have been useless on the planet. Pike said he picked the away team based on fighting skill though so maybe Ortegas is a secret space-fu master. Anyway the story was boring, they broke the Prime Directive, and I pirated this episode but somehow still want my money back.

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Trek 1 point

But did they try though? Did they?

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Trek 1 point

Cool but should have done the Enterprise D.

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Trek 1 point

Wooow DeForest Kelly was really grabbing tits on set and everybody was laughing. Different times man.

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Trek 1 point

Screwball because red.

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Trek 1 point

I skipped it. These people don't know how to make authentic Star Trek. AFAIC real Trek ended in 2005. We'll always have the Delta Quadrant.

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Trek 1 point

The only good thing to come out of NuTrek 'cept PIC S3 and they canceled it. Still no news on where or when the second season will air. Sheesh.

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Trek 1 point

Episode 3 tomorrow. I don't love or hate this show but it's something Trek flavored to watch that doesn't suck butt like the live action stuff so yay I guess. Maybe it's growing on me after 3 seasons.

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Trek 1 point

Johnny Depp like: Yeah but did she leave a cleveland steamer on the bed afterwords?

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Trek 1 point

HAHAHA all I needed was that first video to call fake on this whole thing. It sucks when grifters muck up the UFO conversation but that video was pretty conclusive bro.

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Trek 1 point


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Trek 1 point

Growing this place ain't on me. I just reply to stuff when I'm around but I figured more peeps would have joined by now. You one of the five members?

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