I got to see one of my favorite bands about a year ago, it was my first time going to a live performance and it was amazing honestly. Unfortunately they had technical issues with the soundboard half way in, so the drummer eventually ended freestyling until they got it to work. Mid-concert I got nice looks and from the musicians due to buying one of their hoodies. Even better, since the stage was near the audience I got a face load of saxophone!
Thank you airwick.
yes, wish
wishing I was better at it
don't worry you're not the only idiot that did unfortunately
This tier list is dividing a nation (cult) in half.
I love you Cicero.
The link doesn't seem to be working for me... that sucks!
I got to see one of my favorite bands about a year ago, it was my first time going to a live performance and it was amazing honestly. Unfortunately they had technical issues with the soundboard half way in, so the drummer eventually ended freestyling until they got it to work. Mid-concert I got nice looks and from the musicians due to buying one of their hoodies. Even better, since the stage was near the audience I got a face load of saxophone!
I'll try if I have free time.
That's sweet, you should totally give it a shot!
I beg, please bring mercy upon me my dear Cicero.
There will be more sooner or later.