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NecroSocial 1 point

DS9 was the most un-Star Trek series of the pre-2005 shows. TNG was the closet to Roddenberry's vision, and Voyager despite it's flaws and a really bad start with the Kazon arc developed into a refinement of everything made TNG great IMO. That's not to say DS9 isn't awesome in it's own right but there's a very un-Roddenberry strand of darkness and cynicism in DS9 that has plagued the franchise ever since. Enterprise couldn't really even shake it off and that might be what doomed that show. Well that and the theme song.

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Bitcoin halving 2024 — Done and dusted! (
s/news · Posted by NecroSocial 6 months ago
JILUKA - Omelas (
s/music · Posted by NecroSocial 5 months ago
NecroSocial 1 point

Since the David Fravor tictac UAP it seems like we're always on the verge of some grand disclosure that never comes. Whether this stuff is real or government disinformation something profound is happening. Just wish we could know for certain already, one way or the other.

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