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JaqenHghar64 2 points

>Adding videos?

Yes, it'd be very good feature

>Videos are deleted after maybe a month

Bruh..., but I still like the idea

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JaqenHghar64 2 points

>I think downvotes should inherently be treated as a feature rather than a flaw

But what about the potential case where a site gets overrun by a mass of coomers? s/all would turn into a porn catalog.

Also, private subs don't fit the role well, blocking NSFW stuff by making it private doesn't make things better either.

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JaqenHghar64 1 point

it's made for realistic battle experience

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JaqenHghar64 2 points

with proper preparation, yes

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JaqenHghar64 2 points

Grok is better

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JaqenHghar64 1 point


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