"The Amazing Digital Circus is a 3D animated dark comedy series created by Gooseworx with production credits to Kevin and Luke Lerdwichagul. The premise follows Pomni, a girl trapped along with other characters in a cyberspace circus managed by a mysterious and powerful ring leader named Caine who crafted the world they are all stuck in. With little known about their own past outside the virtual realm and no way to escape the chaotic reality they find themselves in, all that the crew can do is try to avoid going insane. The series quickly developed a passionate fandom online."
fuck this shit its popular so its bad
I thought this was overhyped at first, but after watching it, I realised that it's actually a great story.
What is this show even about? I've heard of it and it's supposed to be quite good but I don't know anything about it beyond this.
From YT description:
"The Amazing Digital Circus is a psychological dark comedy about cute cartoon characters who hate their lives and want to leave."
From here:
"The Amazing Digital Circus is a 3D animated dark comedy series created by Gooseworx with production credits to Kevin and Luke Lerdwichagul. The premise follows Pomni, a girl trapped along with other characters in a cyberspace circus managed by a mysterious and powerful ring leader named Caine who crafted the world they are all stuck in. With little known about their own past outside the virtual realm and no way to escape the chaotic reality they find themselves in, all that the crew can do is try to avoid going insane. The series quickly developed a passionate fandom online."
she is 25 year old women