At least religion helps people to cope with the current state of their life and encourages them to keep trying because of the promise of an eternal reward, giving them purpose in life. I have noticed that the only thing that most atheists use to keep them going is a constant source of instant pleasure from consuming hours of short-form content, such as Tiktok, taking drugs, and having sex or fapping between sessions of wageslaving.
At least religion helps people to cope with the current state of their life and encourages them to keep trying because of the promise of an eternal reward, giving them purpose in life. I have noticed that the only thing that most atheists use to keep them going is a constant source of instant pleasure from consuming hours of short-form content, such as Tiktok, taking drugs, and having sex or fapping between sessions of wageslaving.
This song sums it up. "Do whatever you want", atheist or satanist challange. Oh also "Do whatever you want", so long it doesn't offend the wrong people lmao.
This song perfectly describes my mindset. I should probably do something to fix that shit.