I scrollwed down to the comment section as I watch the video "Pixar used to be special" by Downward Diary. 686 likes on a comment that says "This reminds me of the rant videos you made when you first started moving away from YTPs." when in the first 20 seconds of the video this is said: "You may notice the presentation style is a lot like my older videos". I genuinely do not understand why that person in the comments had to point out the exakt same thing the creator says in first 20 seconds of commentary. Like I understand reposting shit jokes for likes, but the thoughts people share on Youtube baffles me. They added no new substance or view point to what we both have watched. At most they just share their ability to regurgitate the things they hear from the video. I mean at most I'm happy I now have a good reason to never doom scroll on a video sharing site, since there is nothing I'm missing out by refraining from it. The comment section of the site has become so full of garbage. Only time you might find something new or insightful is when you track down a video with like 1k views with decent editing, then you can read something of worth in the comments. Otherwise is too obscure to have anybody sharing their thoughts on the video. This post is getting a bit too long, but I'll write a rant on old and modern Youtube in more depth soon.

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Most Youtube comments are either shitty puns or jokes, references to experiences in their own life, or shitposts. Comments, however are just one of many aspects of Youtube that are declining in quality.

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Is when it became all about watch time instead of engagement. Is to the point that leaving a like on a video instead of watching it to the end, makes it less likely to show up in others recommended section. Youtube has removed every single feature that made it stand out or give the user ability to curate their webpage and recommendations. There is no power for the creators on Youtube, is no longer about the users but the companies who pay Youtube for the top spot and search results. I hate the site without a shread of irony, anything I like about it will be gone in a year or two

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I find the Youtube comment experience kinda whack. Comment section discussions can be interesting and insightful at times, but overall I think it's inferior compared to sites like Reddit. Youtube being video oriented makes it feel like the video and it's creator are the center point of attraction while comments are just noise generated in response. Text oriented sites usually don't feel that way as much.

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Is mostly due to the fact making videos and making commens are a different ballparks. On reddit a text post is the same amount of effort as a comment chain. On youtube most people never upload a single video for years. That is why the comments are full of kids or lazy people who just spew constant bs. Youtube also made it so annoying to load more comments in a reply chain, making it pointless to see the newest comment. On reddit I can sort by date of post or comment. Youtube makes next to no effort to show me what the newest person said in a reply.

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I genuinely do not understand why that person in the comments had to point out the exakt same thing the creator says in first 20 seconds of commentary.

Because the majority of people don't even watch the video but scroll down to the comment section and start arguing.

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Want to act as if they are as important as the creator they watch, despite never uploading or contributing to a video sharing platform. I wish they had a grace period or system that only gives permission to comments to those that use the site. In order to remove bot farms and kids.

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That's close to impossible unfortunately.

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Is possible they are just not going to do it. Is not a matter of quality, is a matter of getting as many brain dead watchers to waste their whole day on the Youtube platform. To my chagrin.

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How would you go about doing it? The only way I can think of is if Youtube started asking users for their ID cards thus making ban evasion close to impossible.

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What are you on about? I said I wished there was a grace period before accounts could comment, meaning even if you made countless burner accounts they would have to stay active long enough to post comments. Nothing about ID, and Youtube still demands that you are it least 13 and had your legal guardian when making a account or using their services. I just want the account age to factor in if you could comment or not. Most of legal framework is in place already. Is just they stoped inforce it ever since they realised they could make Youtube kids and exploit parents naivety of the platform.

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