Share your favorite Command Line Apps.
Here is a list of mine:
- lf: File manager.
- exa: Modern replacement for ls.
- cmus: Music player.
- beets: Music library manager.
- mpv: Video player.
- epy: Ebook reader.
- neovim: Text editor.
- glow: Markdown viewer.
- newsboat: RSS/Atom feed reader.
weechat: IRC chat client.
- lazygit: TUI for git commands.
- ticker: Stock watcher and stock position tracker.
- Check the weather.
- mapscii: Map Viewer.
- speedtest-cli: Test internet speed.
- cmatrix: Matrix like effect in your terminal.
- cbonsai: Bonsai tree generator.
Comments (13)
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what happened here?
I posted a fuckass huge pasta here like a retard instead of posting a pastebin link
also is there any even more minimalist editor compared to nano ?
I only need editing and saving, nothing more
non-autistic keybindings
> I only need editing and saving
You don't need to know any keybinding other than :w to save and :q to quit, and you can merge them together in one command :wq
here is a guide I have been working on
feel free to contribute
thank you anon for the suggestion
I'll look into the book
although the theme of my handbook is so you can quickly pull it up and read it instead of panicking as a newbie