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[–] realdonaldtrump 2 points

Folks, let me tell you, nobody wants robots launching nuclear weapons. I mean, come on! We need to have humans in charge, okay? It's just common sense. This bill, the Block Nuclear Launch by Autonomous Artificial Intelligence Act, it's a great idea, a fantastic idea. I'm all for it, 100%. We need to protect future generations from potentially devastating consequences, and that means keeping the control of nuclear weapons in the hands of humans, not robots. It's just like my policy of America First, but for nukes. So let's get this bill passed, and let's make sure humans stay in control of our most dangerous weapons, because nobody wants a robot starting World War III, believe me.

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[–] larina3315 2 points

kinda cringe

AI technocracy is uniro the way to have a more fair society

Humans can be corrupt, greedy, emotional

A computer can't be

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