Share your favorite Command Line Apps.
Here is a list of mine:
- lf: File manager.
- exa: Modern replacement for ls.
- cmus: Music player.
- beets: Music library manager.
- mpv: Video player.
- epy: Ebook reader.
- neovim: Text editor.
- glow: Markdown viewer.
- newsboat: RSS/Atom feed reader.
weechat: IRC chat client.
- lazygit: TUI for git commands.
- ticker: Stock watcher and stock position tracker.
- Check the weather.
- mapscii: Map Viewer.
- speedtest-cli: Test internet speed.
- cmatrix: Matrix like effect in your terminal.
- cbonsai: Bonsai tree generator.
Edited 2 years ago
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Have been using linux for a bit, but currently know the bare minimum to get through day to day tasks.
Thanks for this post, I shall try these cli tools out, and see how it goes!
You're welcome. Don't worry, most of them are newbie friendly and do a better job than their GUI counterparts.
For me it's nix. The final package manager