Personal Strange Experiences?

Posted by Anonymous 1 year ago Follow

Just wondering if anyone had any experiences they would like to share.

I personally have witnessed something strange in the sky at night. My family and I were in a secluded location in the mountains away from any light source. We went out in such a desolate place to use my, rather weak, telescope. We took a look at Mars which took it from looking like a red dot in the sky to a bigger, blurry red dot. Wow! Anyway, I notice a green dot appear in the telescope. I thought maybe a car was passing by or something was reflecting light in some way. I pull away from the telescope and, nope. The green dot is actually in the sky. I seems to notice us notice it. It starts circling around the little red dot that is Mars.

Once we pack up our things, it seems to mimic our movement, but in the sky. Yet, we come to a T intersection and turn right, it had turned the opposite. I still don't know what that was, and I can't explain it.

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[–] Anonymous 9ca3e622 1 point

I wish. I've never experienced anything paranormal in my life. Personally I'd love to see proof of aliens with my own eyes.

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[–] Anonymous 91af98cf 1 point

*runs up to you with huge grin on my face :D*

*you look at me puzzled*

*slaps you across the face*

*turns you around and begins furiously dry-humping you*

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[–] Anonymous 9ca3e622 1 point

gee i wonder which user this could be

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[–] Anonymous 91af98cf 1 point TRIPS GET

It's that hot ass twink with his puckering asshole constantly makeing me want to pound his tight twink fart hole...

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[–] Anonymous c4d2e249 1 point

OP here. Also had an experience when I was in 4th grade. Our class had the same teacher for 3rd grade because he was a cool dude and liked us all. I mention this because he was pretty trusting of us. He had to step out of class to grab some work sheets and knew we would behave if left alone. Everyone is chilling or chatting. Doing whatever. When, out of the corner of my eye, the clock on the wall falls off. The face shatters all over the floor with a loud bang. When I turned to look at it, it didn't seem like it had just fell off the nail or something. It fell forward. It looked as if it was pulled off the nail and dropped.

The teacher came back and asked what happened. We told him and at first he thought one of us had messed with the clock. But after some convincing, and probably the entire class' shaken demeanor, he believed us that it had just come off the wall. Really bizarre.

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[–] Anonymous 91af98cf 1 point





*rips your pants down and begins violently yanking at your dick*

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[–] Anonymous 8dec7624 1 point

I once got a text message from a blocked number that automatically downloaded a small file and then deleted itself. Happened some time around 2013.

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[–] Anonymous 0de5b9d9 1 point

That was me, I was just downloading a bomb onto your phone. I believe I set it to detonate in...10 years...if I recall correctly?

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