No. Title Writer(s) Director(s) Released
04 Among The Lotus Eaters Kirsten Beyer & Davy Perez Eduardo Sánchez 2023-07-06

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[–] NecroSocial 2 points

This was an objectively bad episode of Star Trek, however it was the first episode of this season of of SNW that didn't leave me deeply disappointed and angry at what Secret Hideout is doing to the franchise. Why? Because they tried. They put together their couple of braincells and tried to write a self-contained, episodic story that actually goes to a different planet and deals with an issue involving aliens and a sci-fi concept. They failed at everything they tried but I appreciate the effort. If one day they can do what they tried here but with an actually good, logical story and less nuTrek tropes they might have something.

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[–] Trek 1 point

But did they try though? Did they?

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[–] Trek 1 point

Good thing they didn't bring Ortegas. She would have been useless on the planet. Pike said he picked the away team based on fighting skill though so maybe Ortegas is a secret space-fu master. Anyway the story was boring, they broke the Prime Directive, and I pirated this episode but somehow still want my money back.

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