welcome to the worst place on this website, a place where anonymous losers and outcasts of society tell stories about their misfortunes in the world, btw nothing is out of line, except literally cp, you can say whatever story you want, your relationship problems and how there are no good women anymore and how if you were born earlier you would've found a wife (black pill ideology 101)post funny stories, post stories about your shitty 9-5 job, post about how the world is a cesspool of garbage and woke ideologies run by faggot NPC's that still read BuzzFeed articles, I don't discriminate everyone is welcome aboard this hellhole (Boomers, Zoomers, Coomers, Doomers, Incels, femanons) have fun fags cause this site is gonna either be dead in a month or really popular

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[–] Anonymous 854d2f07 1 point

hello im a newfag wtf is mainchan

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[–] Anonymous da45956c 1 point

most people know this site because of an ad that's in 4chan, it's a combination of reddit and 4chan (which might be either the worst or best decision ever made), most of the stuff in here is kinda cringe, so i decided to create r8k and fitness as some kind of place to kinda balance out the cringe

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[–] Anonymous 9218055c 1 point

do you blame your problems on others like r9k does?

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[–] Anonymous da45956c 1 point

it's all up to the OP to decide whether he wants to blame others or himself, all that matters is that he's honest about himself

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