So Spez chose violence today. He sent all mods a letter with this statement in it:

>“If a moderator team unanimously decides to stop moderating, we will invite new, active moderators to keep these spaces open and accessible to users”

A post about it here. Immediately afterwards admins started installing puppet mods and opening protesting subs back up. Reddit is truly dogshit.

Here's a Lou Rossmann video about it:

...and here's some examples of the madness:


r/funny mod puppet has post locked/deleted by a real r/funny mod: The subreddit is open for business as usual, please adhere to subreddit rules

from r/SubRedditDrama:

Admins force /r/Steam to reopen

Mod puppet reopens r/Starbucks causing big public drama with the real mods leading to all real mods being removed: Discourse in r/Starbucks over the sub closing during the blackout

Admins have taken over r/AdviceAnimals, re-opened the sub to the public, bans any mentioning of it.

And here's the SubRedditDrama megathread with all that stuff and a ton more: API Protests Megathread Part 2: The admins are allegedly retaliating against moderators and subreddits for the blackout, plus a list of subreddits in "indefinite blackout"

The most fucked up part isn't even the rampant astroturfing, censorship and user abuse going on around this it's that the fucking lemmings in Reddit's user base who simply DGAF that it's happening. Maybe 3 years ago a protest like this would have had nearly full user solidarity and Spez forcing the protest to break would have 360 no-scoped the site causing a mass exodus. This stuff is making mainstream news and these people don't care. At this point they deserve every bit of abuse that's coming their way.

Edited 10 months ago

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[–] NecroSocial 2 points

There was a massive influx of normies during the GameStop saga, millions of them, prior to that Reddit had multiple blackout protests for a few different causes that either got results or had more participation than this one. I think the site being overrun with people who don't really care about Reddit like that and just want their content fix has tipped the balance in favor of users who'll just take whatever Spez is dishing out so long as they can scroll r/aww on like an absolute pleb.

Just my take on it though, the site just generally felt more unified a few years back IMO.

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