The subs r/Star_Trek_II and r/Star_Trek_Classic were both just banned. The reason behind the ban was both subs were offshoots of the original r/Star_Trek sub.


The original sub was banned for the same nebulous reasons many subs get banned, first they were accused of brigading r/StarTrek. As has become Reddit Admin's usual practice no evidence of brigading was ever provided, the fact that r/Star_Trek members had ever dared link to r/StarTrek or mention the abuses committed by it's mods was given as reason enough. Star_Trek was told to never link to other subs nor mention other sub's mods lest they get shut down. The sub agreed and was allowed to exist a few more weeks until the admins found the excuse they needed to shut them down for good. You see Star_Trek's mod wasn't clearing the mod queue in a timely enough manner for the admins so, without warning, they banned r/Star_Trek and ignored the mod's plea for help and any other contact attempted.


Prior to this that mod had set up r/Star_Trek_Classic and r/Star_Trek_II as places to discus pre-2005 Star Trek and all Star Trek respectively should the main sub get nuked. So, following the nuking that's where some of the users regrouped. The community shrank but they persisted and started to grow again. Yet, despite the fact that neither sub broke any Reddit rules, they were both just banned due to "creating or repurposing a sub to reconstitute or serve the same objective as a previously banned or quarantined subreddit." Note the main banned sub r/Star_Trek was banned well after the two other subs were created and growing. That doesn't matter though.


These bans aren't about stopping rule breakers or cracking down on offensive users, they're about cutting off the speech of users who wouldn't fall in line with the thought police at the "main" Star Trek sub which is known for heavily censoring its users. In fact I can just [link to that sub on Reveddit]( because they censor so heavily there will always be pages of recent content removed by mods to prove the point.


In any event there's now s/StarTrek for anyone looking for a place they can speak freely about the franchise once again.

Edited 1 year ago

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