I dont want to take care of some random ass bitch and deal with her stupid problems

Only reason I would date a girl is to have sex

It's technically prostitute but legal

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"men have wives and girlfriends"

"boys have plastic dinosaurs"

- myself

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Anonymous ae3dd4db

I want a girlfriend but I don't think I'd be able to sustain the relationship.

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Anonymous 0e5db1c8

Are you aware that prostitution legal in some countries?

There are places with modern brothels and "red streets" and all fully legal and controlled.

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Anonymous 37861ce6

What country is it?

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Anonymous 0e5db1c8 *

Germany, Netherlands, Italy etc.


Also, since it's legal and controlled, the chances of getting STDs tend to be much lower

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Anonymous e2726376

Legal in Nevada USA too

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