Hear me out.


An AI-powered investment consultancy app with a mixed-reality UI hosted on the blockchain where you can also write grocery lists (premium feature) and date people.


Are you in?

Edited 1 month ago

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[–] NecroSocial 2 points

Depends. Does this app also make deepfake porn of every woman who ever turned me down for a date?

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[–] Coolguy 1 point



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[–] freeBread 2 points

Hell yeah!

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[–] ymous 3 points

You right there, you will be responsible for designing the logo.

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[–] freeBread 4 points *

First of all what should the name be?

Edit: We could just use LLMs to do all of this for us. We are a tech startup after all. How could I forget.

Here's the response our LLM gave us:

Company & App Name

Company Name: HoloSphere Labs

"Holo" represents the mixed-reality aspect.

"Sphere" symbolizes an all-encompassing experience (finance, social, personal management).

"Labs" conveys innovation and tech-forward thinking, ideal for blockchain, AI, and investment solutions.

App Name: Futurus

Tagline: Invest in your future, connect in the present.

  • "Futurus" implies futuristic, forward-thinking solutions.
  • It covers finance, social connections, and personal management.
  • It's catchy, easy to remember, and aligns with the high-tech nature of the app.

And here's the logo it designed! It's a bit blurry but it's not like the end users will notice it on their tiny phones.

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[–] ymous 3 points

We are so close to success. I can already feel the stacks and stacks of money falling all over us as we pop the champagne bottle sitting in a lambo surrounded by girls in bikinis.


All we have to do now is complete whatever that final step is after logo and name design. I'm gonna ask ChatGPT about that.

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[–] freeBread 2 points

Can't wait!

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[–] ymous 3 points

ChudGPT is not with us on this one. He has no belief in our company's goals and values.

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