I look like a crip

Posted by shorty 11 months ago Follow

my docter said my knees and joints hyperextend, so they had to make a custom made brace that dont let my knees extend all the way, which causes pain, more pain than i think i had before, so i have to take MORE MEDICINE. i look shorter, i have to go to physio, and apparently my ears are deformed inside, so i have to pop them but when i pop them only one pops and it hurts. and i look so dumb, and im going to Mexico next month, DO YOU KNOW HOW DUMB IT LOOKS IF I WEAR SHORTS< and i have weird, metal braces on my knees? its so embarrassing. and if i TAN??? im gonna have gross tan lines with my knees! ig ill have to buy insane sunscreen that prevents that. or maybe i just wear pants, and not go swimming, and not have fun. :<

im in enlish rn, doing a correction on an essay. 14 minutes left of class.

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[–] freeBread 1 point

Who do you think is going to care about how you looked at that trip three months after it's over? I guarantee you that absolutely no one will. People have their own problems to think about so no one will care about your looks. I know that what I just is incredibly cliché but it's true. So just go and don't think about such stupid little things like how your knees will look like.

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[–] tanuki 4 points

I thought you were an Asian woman, not a black gangster

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[–] NecroSocial 2 points

Hahaha, the whole time reading that I thought she meant the leg braces made it look like she was Crip walking. Diddn't connect crip=crippled at all haha.

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[–] shorty 2 points


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