>>It's my first time smoking

I chose cigarettes because I like the smell

my dad was really heavy smoker

he smokes a lot and I liked the smell

that's why I chose cig rather than vape


I really fucking hate Vapes

vapes smell like expired perfume or something like that

vapes are really nauseating


>>my first time smoking wasn't fun

it was painful and really dirty

>>it didn't effected me a lot

only thing I felt was pain and dizziness

I am kinda immune to cig because of my dad

>>But I will not use heavy drugs like meth and cocaine


>>smoking isn't that fun

>>I am not smoking again

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I had bad lungs from birth, I never even considered smoking. Just being around somebody that smokes makes me ill. That and the fact there are so many better things to spend money on.

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Anonymous 1429d757

I didn't smoke cigarettes first. My friend gave me his mix of crack, weed and other drugs. It was nice and calming experience, but not really that addicting.

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is this supposed to be some kind of avant garde poetry?

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