ok, i'm an old member of pl (short of pixel land) and i feel like making a quick post to explain it to you new guys

i am charr, an old member from 2020, i will also sometimes go by kiwi on pl. there are quite a few mods on pl, you can tell if someone is a mod if they have an orange name or not, including but not limited to, wilhelmlover42, pantsplant, malkist, cerith, and nizneb. now i don't feel like explaining every little part of pl to you guys, so i would highly recommend reading some parts of the wiki at https://pixelsland.fandom.com/wiki/Pixels.land_Wiki, if you have any questions that can't be answered through the wiki you can ask them under this post and i will most likely answer

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reply permalink report gild save

im good thanks

reply permalink report gild save