As you all already know by now, normies enjoy making fun of me for the most trivial things. The constant exclusion from others has caused me to stop talking much at all, in hopes of reducing the amount of bullying. However, even though I have been keeping quiet for the past few years and trying to exist in school as a spectator, rarely socializing with normies, they still find a reason to steal my backpack at the end of gym class and hide it in the showers. When I attempted to get help from the normie gym teachers, they responded lazily, saying that I should go look for it myself.

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Something ain't right with your school. I know personal at schools tend to do fuck all about solving these kind of things, but then again shit like this doen't happen often where I live.

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Anonymous ce401a84

Do you see a licensed psychotherapist? If not you should ask your parents to send you to one.

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Why would I need one? Why does everyone assume its my fault for getting bullied?

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Anonymous ce401a84

Didn't say getting bullied was your fault but you're developing a "me vs the normies" distorted world view and likely have some underlying mental issues driving your inability to socialize with others that a therapist could really help you get over.

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Anonymous 8dfa40ce

Normies bully me about things I can't control. Plus, I've found that I can see through most complements that a psychologist might give me in hopes that a temporary boost of self-esteem would somehow make everyone respect me more.

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u need some kind of break

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What do you mean

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