What's the ideal amount of users a social media platform should have?

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[–] Anonymous 3ba0cd2c 2 points QUADS GET

I'd guess 100,000

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[–] Anonymous 475abf79 2 points

checked and confirmed

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[–] NiggerFaggot 0 points

Whatever the critical mass point is that preceeds the influx of normies that slowly rot the platform from the inside out.

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[–] Anonymous a80749e3 0 points


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[–] NecroSocial 1 point

Whatever that amount was that Facebook reached about a year before it became mandatory for your older relatives, parents and grandparents to join. Like a pre-collapse Myspace amount.

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[–] kfn 1 point


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[–] Anonymous 19667cd8 1 point

a couple hundred k at least

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[–] InterWebzGuy 1 point

Users with knowledge who share and help as much as possible. Cattle users few as possible.Ideal amount is 1337

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[–] dodgeTHIS 1 point

define "help"

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[–] InterWebzGuy 1 point

Someone ask a question and there are people who try to give answers to help. And not just shitposting and trolling.

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[–] dodgeTHIS 1 point

but shitposting is fun

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[–] InterWebzGuy 1 point

in ceritain areas for humor/chit chat/offtopic yes

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