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[–] Anonymous 4ff6307c 1 point

I'm not dead yet

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[–] Mr_trololo 2 points

Good to see someone actually having an optimistic outlook on things.

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[–] Mr_trololo 1 point

Too pessimistic to even have hopes and dreams in the first place. I just wake up, survive, deal with whatever life throws at me, sleep, and repeat.

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[–] Anonymous 4005ccbe 1 point

Going to college and sorting my life out after high school, now I’m a NEET lol.

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[–] NecroSocial 1 point

As a kid I dreamt of owning a huge, custom-built castle that look all spooky and medieval on the outside but was completely high tech on the inside. Fell a bit short of that dream... #vanlife

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[–] milktoast 3 points

The idea of living in a van sounds both appealing and terrifying.

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[–] NecroSocial 2 points

It all comes down to how many house-like amenities you can build into a rig. If you can get solar, internet, AC, heat, hot & cold running water, a shower (preferably recirculating), a fridge, stove (and/or microwave and/or oven), and a toilet then you're on easy street. Then if you want to travel you need either savings or a mobile way of making money. It's only scary if you're living homeless style with few amenities, little money, and staying in a lot of urban areas, that's bottom barrel right there.

But you know vanlife is awesome when one of the biggest complaints from long time vanlifers is becoming jaded to waking up to scenic vistas.

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[–] milktoast 2 points

kind of want to try it TBH. But I'm from Canada.

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[–] NecroSocial 2 points

Check out Foresty Forest and Vancity Vanlife on youtube. They're both Canadian and been at it a long time. Vancity Vanlife is a good kick off point since he started with the most basic build possible and shows the progression of how he built it up over time. Also, not Canadian but Ryan Twomey has a more full-amenity build. Otherwie just search for "van tour" to find a bazillion different builds to get an idea of what's possible.

BTW when searching the term "vanlife" on Youtube there's literally 10 anti-vanlife videos that are always near the top of the search regardless of whether you've watched them already or told YT not to recommend them, it's kinda weird.

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[–] milktoast 4 points


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