Since most Redditards are obedient sheep, their views never oppose any of Reddit's rules. They have no reason to migrate to Mainchan because they are not being censored. Even if they do create an account, they will most likely just post short comments and turn this place into a less active version of Reddit. Furthermore, Cicero overestimated the size of the Reddit "exodus". I have seen many users on Reddit who said that they were going to delete their accounts but failed to.

Comments (13)

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[–] ANGUSPOUNDER 2 points

They're addicts. They don't get recognition or status in real life. The karma they have on Reddit gives them that.

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[–] Quack 2 points


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[–] Anonymous af8b6cfb 1 point


Being a teenager is rough, I get it. Take some deep breaths. Try to go out in nature. Go for a walk next time it rains.

It'll all be okay

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[–] Quack 2 points

What does that have to do with my post

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[–] ANGUSPOUNDER 1 point

The verbiage of this comment is more Reddit than Reddit itself.

I feel like throwing up.

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[–] Quack 2 points

Redditors like to project their insecurities onto other users of the site, creating an endless cycle of hatred while obese moderators attempt to silence the discussion by issuing bans. In this case, since the anon does not go outside, he posts an unrelated comment instructing me to go outside and take a breath in the classic Reddit style.

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[–] Anonymous af8b6cfb -1 point


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[–] AnneBoonchy 3 points

fatty rage

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[–] Quack 2 points TRIPS GET
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[–] AnneBoonchy 1 point
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[–] Quack 2 points

I didn't say all Redditors(I said most because I came from Reddit)

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[–] Anonymous 9ac5bbff 1 point

Have you ever used 4chan, Quack?

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[–] Quack 2 points


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