everyone was hyping the shit outta of sub reddits going dark , turns out the reddit mods and admins just couldn't handle the fact that they have to go under the sunlight and touch grass , so Spez won... thats just fucking hilarious man and sooo freaking stupid!

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[–] Anonymous a950140e 2 points

It was not pointless. I found mainchan and it gave me the motivation to explore the fediverse.

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[–] Quack 2 points

No amount of protesting or boycotting is enough to stop Reddit's decisions. Reddit users prefer to scroll mindlessly for hours and consume content and have no drive to support a cause. Even if moderators were able to reduce the amount of traffic to Reddit, they would just be replaced by more obedient cucks.

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[–] Upsideclown 2 points

It's the chemicals in the water.

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[–] Anonymous 08a2ac39 2 points

it was probably coordinated by the reddit staff to let users blow off some steam

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[–] DM_ME_YOUR_NUDES 2 points

redditors are all-around dumb as fuck. Like yeah, of course a planned 2-day protest isn't going to do anything. You literally stated in your protest that it's going to end.

Moving to another platform or creating another one is the only way.

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[–] ANGUSPOUNDER 2 points

Anyone with a brain and a life knew it wouldn’t do anything.

But it was a great way to point out how delusional and self righteous Redditors can be.


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