I would recommend the addition features which Reddit is missing, such as the ability to read all comments by previewing, not just the top comment.

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[–] kfn 2 points

Hmm... audio posts would be cool. If it lets me record right on the page and preview that's nice. I think there's a way to do that in js.

I will record bird sounds

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[–] larina3315 2 points

"Link post"

"Image post"

"X Y Z post"

maybe just adopt 4chan-style posts ?

optional image, title and text ?

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[–] Anonymous 61fd2c20 1 point

liberal use of slurs. filters out the people who want to make this site Reddit 2.0.

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[–] ANGUSPOUNDER 1 point

Ummm yeah... *sips Soylent latté* No...

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[–] AnneBoonchy 1 point

something similar to Reddit recap would be pretty cool

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[–] anon 2 points


I dont want tracking to be advertised as a feature. I dont want to be tracked.

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[–] AnneBoonchy 1 point

well its not really tracking

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[–] anon 2 points TRIPS GET

>well its not really tracking

nah. They just save what you do all year and present it to you.

What is it, if it's not tracking?

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[–] AnneBoonchy 1 point

Is mainchan tracking you when your karma score is updated. Also what would reddit gain by "tracking" how much you post

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[–] Quack 2 points

That would make the site more like Reddit and also would just remind Mainchan users about how miserable their lives are. I don't need a colored screen with a bunch of cartoons telling me that I scrolled the length of 69 football fields or whatever because it would make me feel depressed.

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[–] AnneBoonchy 2 points

well, I think it would be cool to see all iv accomplished.

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[–] Quack 1 point


(sad duck noises)

(also someone is upvoting all of your posts and is expecting to be upvoted in return)

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[–] AnneBoonchy 1 point

ill upvote now

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[–] AnneBoonchy 2 points TRIPS GET

sorry ill do that once iv replyed to all my notifications

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[–] Quack 1 point

I would get depressed. I already feel a strange feeling of sadness when I look back to all the time that I wasted online.

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[–] AnneBoonchy 2 points

I don't see it as wasting all my time online, if you don't want to be online all the time go outside. just because you don't want a mainchan recap don't mean we shouldn't get one

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[–] Quack 1 point

We probably won't get one for a long time because this site will not have enough content to make a cool recap.

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