I left this site for only three days, only to return to a wasteland. There is usually a few posts with a large number of comments on the front page, but upon returning, I was disappointed at the laziness of the userbase. I can already sense the comments accusing me of not helping with the prevention of the lack of original, high-quality, posts, so I will tell you all a story about something that happened some time back

>be me

>beginning of freshman year(9th grade)

>mom enrolls me in online school

>feel nostalgic for school since I was not able to experience school life for the past year and a half because of the pandemic

>lie about the software being buggy and convince my mom to enroll me back in high school

>first day of school arrives

>feel happy

>think im going to be popular and have friends just like in the “good old days”

>arrive at the front door

>immediately intimidated because I was a 4’11 dwarf

>try to talk to people that I knew before the pandemic but they all ignore me

>get into a few fights in the next few weeks

>still wait for a few months, holding on to hope

>eventually realize that I dont belong in school

>eventually realize that I dont belong anywhere with people

Should I have stayed in online school? I regret being a normie and thinking that I could enjoy high school. What would my life be like if I had chose to be a loner on that fateful day in online school?

Also, what is the most regrettable thing that you have done?

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[–] CAN 1 point
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[–] Quack 1 point

Did you continue using 4chan after getting disturbed?

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[–] CAN 1 point

Gradually, yeah. I was a kid, and a lot of the less edgy stuff was cool. And it wasn't just /b/ you know. I stopped regularly visiting years ago though.

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