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Comments (5)

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[–] Mr_trololo 2 points *

Why did I laugh so hard seeing "Yes" as an answer twice. My sense of humor is broken.

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[–] larina3315 1 point


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[–] Rain 1 point


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[–] Anonymous 46f18122 0 points

>there's a f*male in our midst

wtf, i thought this was a based website?!?!?!?

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[–] Quack 1 point

Females on the internet, excluding attention whores and e-girls, are generally kind and treat all users equally since they assume that all male users are Chads, similar to how males on the internet think that all females are hot. Because of this, you can probably tell which users are females by the way they interact with male users after they reveal his face, height, or any physical characteristic that women find important.

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