Mainchan quiz

Posted by Rain 1 year ago Follow
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[–] larina3315 1 point

when are the results gonna be published

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[–] Rain 2 points

Just having some trouble with Google sheets

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[–] Rain 2 points

Just having some trouble with Google sheets

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[–] Yes 1 point

Thanks for putting me on the list, I try to upload to my /s/repair whenever i find anything interesting, and will post other things when i can. The thing is that i'm really not a huge social media person, and im trying to elevate mainchan purely out of my hatred for reddit. I found that we have a good community though so far, and surprisingly thats whats kept me coming back

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[–] Rain 1 point

You could have started with you don't like reddit

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[–] DM_ME_YOUR_NUDES 5 points

why am I not on the user list

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[–] Rain 1 point

Sorry forgot about you, added you

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