Redditor telling the truth

Posted by Anonymous 1 year ago
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Edit: My first gold is on a comment about this. I can't believe it, Reddit, you always surprise me. Thank you kind stranger for the gold, and thank you kind strangers for all the upvotes! I didn't think when I woke up today and found out my mom had super cancer that I'd actually be smiling today but you guys changed that. Thank you. When I had to put down my dog a few minutes ago I had tears in my eyes, I still do have tears, but now they're tears of joy! Thank you Reddit for all of these upvotes and the GOLD!! Wow I still cannot believe it. Hey, maybe we can push for platinum??? I've never had platinum before and would love to see what it does! My dad before he had his colonoscopy told me to "Try and live each day like its your last... And also get platinum on Reddit" and I don't want to let him down! I want to show my father that I'm strong and capable of overcoming impossible odds (those odds being getting platinum haha!). In conclusion I just want to thank each and every one of you guys for the hours of entertainment I get on this website, I love each and every one of you wonderful people, each and every one of you is unique and special and can do whatever you want!! I love all of you! Thank you so much for the gold and the upvotes!

Edit: phone formatting

Edit: Spelling

Edit: Grammar

Edit: SILVER???? THANKS kind stranger!

Edit: Spelling on stranger*

Edit: punctuation

Edit: appropriate capitalisation

Edit: spelling of appropriate*

Edit: spelling of edit*

Edit: ANOTHER SILVER?? Okay guys, this is epic. But can I get a platinum? Also, my daddy is having a second colonoscopy, 1 upvote = 1 prayer.

Edit: more punctuation

Edit: colonoscopy* spelling

Edit: Guys, I feel a little sick my eyes burn

Edit: showerthoughts are just thoughts but never in the shower

Edit: To all the jerks out there who say I'm a pretentious little brat, go and find a hecking platinum and prove me wrong, I have more shinies, you mongoloid

Edit: mongoloid* spelling

Edit: more full stops

Edit: Let's keep my dad's dream alive!! And the thread! Platinum please!!

Edit: Who sent that?? You downvoted?? How could you? Just when I had to put down my autistic sister as well. I hope you never get a silver.

Edit: spelling of silver*

Edit: Follow my Instagram: @massive_wanker_123

Edit: added some italics

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Anonymous 9367d1b1
















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Anonymous 4409de76

Welll, well, well. Thanks for the laugh, my fellow redditor. Seems, you made a samurai laugh out loud. my rigorous training from my sensei hasn't taught me this lession yet. Im such a baka, (that's Japanese for idiot if you don't know). I shall award you with some gold, now its time for me to return to my harem. goodbye.

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