why are some user names golden?

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[–] Anonymous 9abd4ad8 1 point

i know

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[–] anonymous 4 points

When you reach 100 karma during the first year of Mainchan launch, you become a founding member and get a golden name.


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[–] Joeyfingis 2 points

That's pretty cool! How much time doI have left to get golden?!? I want it! haha

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[–] AnneBoonchy 3 points

awsome. what about the red name

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[–] anonymous 2 points

I think red will be reserved for Mainchan staff.

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[–] AnneBoonchy 3 points

who else is there other than Cicero

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[–] Mr_trololo 1 point *

Just noticed /u/Mainchan also has a red name, though it's most likely ran by Cicero

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[–] anonymous 1 point

Until now, no one.

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[–] AnneBoonchy 3 points


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[–] gabe4linux 2 points *

My guess is its amount of activity from your account. You start from white, then orange, red.

Anonymous is green.

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[–] anonymous 1 point

I think red will be reserved for Mainchan staff.

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[–] AnneBoonchy 4 points

I thought red was only for Cicero bc he's the owner

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[–] gabe4linux 1 point

Maybe you are right. I am just guessing.

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[–] AnneBoonchy 3 points


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