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[–] Anonymous 2579ec13 1 point
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[–] Anonymous 8ba94f8a 1 point

That's a lot of misinfo, stereotypes, bias, and misunderstanding to unpack. The sex and gender thing, they're distinct; one's biological, one's social. Yeah that isn't the traditional way of thinking about it but things like this change the more we understand. Trans people just feel a deep mismatch between their gender and biological sex. They can either live with that incurable mental health issue that'll plague them their entire lives or transition and greatly improve their well being. Obviously not every trans person comes out the other side all cured up but no medical procedure or psychological treatment works 100% of the time.


As for suicides they're mostly due to all the rejection and discrimination trans people face, not anything inherent. Your stereotypes about them being mentally ill pedos incapable of having families reflect your own prejudice rather than any fact. Cis isn't a slur btw, it's a neutral, descriptive term to distinguish between trans and non-trans people. There's definitely assholes who've made cis seem like a slur on both sides of the issue but it's just a clinical term getting used in silly ways. It's when you propose segregation and banning trans people that you betray that your views are hate based rather than having anything to do with the logic of the situation. You'd rather echo some of the darkest chapters of human history than agree to trans people having the same basic human rights and dignity as everyone else.


It just comes down to freedom mate. Do you believe that people have the right to do what they want with their own body and lives? Were the roles reversed would you want someone saying you should be imprisoned or segregated from society because you got some surgery to try and look the way you feel you should look? What a failure of empathy and human decency if that's the case. Degeneracy indeed.

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[–] Anonymous 2579ec13 1 point

What a load of dumb projections.

>The sex and gender thing, they're distinct; one's biological, one's social. Yeah that isn't the traditional way of thinking about it but things like this change the more we understand.

Hello? By that logic, we might also start accepting pedophiles for who they are. If you want to live in a such culture then go ahead and make it yourself by yourself, I am and will never be a part of such clown world.

>As for suicides they're mostly due to all the rejection and discrimination trans people face, not anything inherent.

The data says otherwise. Over 90% of trannies have at least one more mental disorder along with gender dysphoria (among many other issues).

>Your stereotypes about them being mentally ill pedos incapable of having families reflect your own prejudice rather than any fact.

Can trannies without dicks make kids (and thus families)? Ofc not. And that's a fact right there.

>Cis isn't a slur btw, it's a neutral, descriptive term to distinguish between trans and non-trans people. There's definitely assholes who've made cis seem like a slur on both sides of the issue but it's just a clinical term getting used in silly ways.

By that logic, a word nigger is neutral, descriptive term to distinguish between black and non-black people. There's definitely assholes who've made nigger seem like a slur on both sides of the issue but it's just a clinical term getting used in silly ways.

>It's when you propose segregation and banning trans people that you betray that your views are hate based rather than having anything to do with the logic of the situation. You'd rather echo some of the darkest chapters of human history than agree to trans people having the same basic human rights and dignity as everyone else.

Typical brainwashed leftist response, trannies already have basic human rights like you and I. It's a common sense to ban men from female sports and vice versa. Or are you dumb enough to believe otherwise? The problem with trans rights is that it's a never ending hole with no real solutions. You can legalize gender change in the legal documents, next thing they ask for is custom pronoun bullshit. You let them have their retarded pronouns, next thing they want to is for everyone to adapt to that, if not then they get fined. 99% of the population will not and should not adapt to "special" those less than 1%. This has nothing to do with freedom or rights, this is ideological pushing, nothing else.

>It just comes down to freedom mate. Do you believe that people have the right to do what they want with their own body and lives? Were the roles reversed would you want someone saying you should be imprisoned or segregated from society because you got some surgery to try and look the way you feel you should look? What a failure of empathy and human decency if that's the case. Degeneracy indeed.

What a a way to say "If you don't agree with me, you're a degenerate". The roles would never be reversed in my case because unlike trannies, I'm mentally sane. I don't need to make up my own pronouns or such bullshit to feel special or accepted. I don't need to change my natural look since I'm happy with it as is, even if there's nothing spectacular about it either and I'm fine with that. Same can not be said for those mentally ill trannies. This has nothing to do with freedom, freedom has its limits too. If I don't want to believe in all this dumb woke bullshit I have a right to do so and there's nothing wrong with that! Your definition of freedom is clearly flawed in many ways. Can I suddenly start doing whatever I like without any consequences afterwards? Shall we let criminals out of jails for the sake of your freedom? Shall we open borders of every country for just anyone to hop in? Shall we let corporations to accumulate over 90% of all wealth while letting common folk rot? Shall we legalize pedophilia so that less than 1% of population can "feel good"? Shall we accept flat earth theory so that those few flat earthers don't feel ignored? Shall we let extreme islamists to implement sharia law so that all non muslims and women become de facto slaves?

So many questions yet so many projections and not a single good solution on the horizon. That's what the retarded woke ideology behind transgenderism is, first worlders inventing problems that don't even exist.

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