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[–] Anonymous 8ba94f8a 0 points

The walk out isn't organized by high school students, it's organized by "The Coalition to Protect Kids" a pseudo-independent pseudo-non-partisan group who's major support and funding is sourced from Republican and and Christian faith groups. Fox News, fair and balanced misinformation.

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[–] Anonymous 2579ec13 0 points

Trans women are not and will never be real women.

Live with it.

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[–] Anonymous 8ba94f8a 0 points

You ignore the fact that technology advances.

RN the argument that trans women are not women rests on a the things medical science has yet to correct for like chromosome differences, ovaries, pelvic cavity etc...

Even the most "passing" Trans woman is likely to have larger feet, broader shoulders and a less hourglass frame than a person born a woman. Even with the most feminine voice they're likely to retain some ability to drop their voice into the very low "masculine" tonal range. To you these are all gotchas indicating trans women are not women. Even though it's not uncommon for many natural women to exist with broad shoulders, or big feet, a deeper voice, slim hips etc. and though they may not be attractive to you I doubt you'd say those women aren't women.

So what happens when science starts clearing the remaining hurdles in transitioning? When trans women gain the ability to have female chromosomes? When bone augmentations allow for slimmer shoulders and wider pelvic cavities/hips? When vocal folds can be customized to provide absolutely feminine voices without inclusion of typical male tonal ranges? When methods are developed that grow out natural breasts of arbitrary size? Will trans women be women to you then?

Or will it hinge on reproductive ability for you? I imagine that will be the last bastion for folks to deny full womanhood to trans-women as it's by far the most difficult thing to even imagine implementing medically (or ethically as the well-being of a new life would be involved). Though, considering systems currently in use/development in terms of artificial wombs and bringing babies to term outside the body, the groundwork is being laid. I tend to think the whole-body modifications involved in making born-men able to conceive, carry and deliver children in the way most born-women can will be something we'll only truly crack once ASI is on the case I do think we'll get there.

So what then? When every aspect of internal and external physiological sex can be transitioned man to woman and vice versa? Will you still deny that trans women are women? If so then you're strictly coming from a place of ignorance and hate more akin having mental problems than an argument.

So yeah, right now you have some ground to stand on in the proclamation that trans women are not (currently, fully) women. I'd say you have zero ground to stand on in saying they will never be women.

As for living with it... I don't have to, I don't have any hatred or fear or disgust towards any group of people for the way they choose to live their lives. On the topic of bathrooms I think they should simply be mixed use across the board. People don't have single sex bathrooms at home, they're used by all genders and all ages without issue. The problems to be solved in implementing that for public bathrooms is privacy and security and there are various ways to solve for that if we actually put our minds to it. Our Puritanical hang ups on sex and gender need to be discarded in favor of shaping a world where everyone is included, I know progress is likely anathema to your undoubtedly conservative beliefs but life finds a way.

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[–] Anonymous 2579ec13 1 point

>I doubt you'd say those women aren't women

They're not women, they're a bunch of degenerates.

>So what happens when science starts clearing the remaining hurdles in transitioning?

It's not gonna happen anytime soon, if anytime at all.

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[–] Anonymous 8ba94f8a 1 point *

What makes a man or woman who'd rather be a different sex/gender a degenerate?

As for medical progress, it's all already being worked on. So's the AGI/ASI that will eventually solve the problems human doctors can't figure out on their own.

BTW I'm not the one(s) downvoting you, would appreciate the same courtesy. Hot topics don't have to be debated with malice.

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[–] Anonymous 2579ec13 1 point

>What makes a man or woman who'd rather be a different sex/gender a degenerate?

The fact that they fall for such a scam, it's impossible to change sex (and gender because those are highly related things, basically the same) as it's encoded withing human DNA.

Most of the trans people come packed with plenty other mental diseases, degenerate addictions like extreme porn and pretty non existent (healthy) social life. Pretty much half of them end up committing suicide. They cannot breed so they "have to" convert with "eggs", just confusing other normal people with their made up bullshit. A lot of trannies are also closet pedophiles. Their degeneracy has reached a point where they refer to the normal people as "cis people" - i.e. slur usage which is kind of like using word nigger to refer to black people.

>I know progress is likely anathema to your undoubtedly conservative beliefs but life finds a way.

There's a difference between actual progress and (leftist) ideological push. Pushing for transgenderism just leads to more and more problems, it's not progress, but a regress. Solution is simple: complete transgenderism ban and sending all those transgenders to mental hospitals. Or not necessarily even that, countries can simply allocate part of their land for "tranny town" where all of them should live, nicely isolated from normal "cis" people.

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