Hiroshimoot keeps making 4chan worse
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8 months ago
Dumping refers to when an anon posts a manga chapter in a thread, this is usually done after the latest chapter has been scanlated, or in story threads. It's an ancient practice that is considered an important part of >>>/a/ culture.
Earlier today an anon reported being rate limited while dumping. He was hit with the five minute timer that is applied to anyone trying to start a new thread with a new IP. So far it's unclear if this affects all users equally.
Edited 8 months ago
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Yesterday I was given a warning for "posting nsfw to 4channel" which I wasn't doing. No idea where that came from.
Man, i hate that lazy slumlord. All he does is play gacha games or cook-up some lame april fool's day event while the website deteriorates.
Yeah, and bots are still somehow equally there, if not worse.