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[–] Anonymous 59d99e11 2 points

No shit!

They just use them to push their preferred ideologies through businesses.

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[–] NecroSocial 3 points

The UN (United Nations, the government of governments) created the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) which caused the WEF (World Economic Forum, the controllers of banks and corporations) to create ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) which enforces the UN's SDGs on the corporate and finance world. This filters down at the ground level to become DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) standards mandated by the companies on their employees and products where applicable. This is the reason movies and shows have been heavily race swapping characters and cramming in as many politically correct, feminist, or other so called "woke" narratives as possible. It's why literary agencies now employ "sensitivity readers" to censor books. This is the root cause of the culture war.

As good-hearted as these policies and mandates may seem (and there is some good, getting companies to stop raping the environment, fighting to end poverty, these parts fuck) the social engineering component has proven to be cancerous and deeply divisive.

So yeah Blackrock and companies under their umbrella will call ESG bad for business but they'll still push it because the UN is pushing it and the banks are pushing it, the people who really control the guns and money. So downstream companies will keep pushing it because their funding from the banks and their investment backing from Blackrock, Vanguard and the like depends on it plus there's a generation of newly indoctrinated young adults in their employ fresh out of schools with DEI-laced curriculums to attend to. Meanwhile everyone else is left to look at all our institutions and entertainment going to absolute shit following this top-down mandate from on high that just doesn't jive with real life or common sense.

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