This Whitechapel song. Thoughts?

Posted by Anonymous 1 month ago Follow
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[–] ymous 2 points

Did they really set a guy on fire to film this?


Regarding the music, I didn't really find anything interesting about this song but I may be missing out on the sound cuz I'm using $3 earphones.

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[–] NecroSocial 2 points *

Body burns are pretty standard stuntman stuff, just seems extreme in a music video context I guess.

But yeah if you're using 3 dollar ear buds all you're hearing out of this song is static backed by pots and pans. The production is that wall of noise, limiter maxed-out, loudness war stuff. Same as Lorna Shore uses. The first time I listened to it even on nice headphones the production was too grating on my ear. It took me seeing like a million reaction videos to this song saying it was ssooooooooo OMFG heeeeeeavy to give it a second chance. Like I can see why Deathcore doods think it's super heavy and relentless and all that but I listen to stuff by bands like Devourment and 7H.Target that could bully this song out of it's lunch money. Guess that's why I asked for opinions, I'm not getting why people are losing their minds over this song. Like it's good, not mind blowing, but the production sucks balls IMO.

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