Faidra - Dies Irae

Posted by ymous 2 months ago Follow
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[–] Anonymous c503e60c 2 points

Uppy for ze metal. Me I doze off or tune out with most low or mid-tempo metal tho. It's prevented me from getting into Doom as a genre.

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[–] ymous 2 points

Yeah, Doom can be boring sometimes. I can only listen to it when I'm in a special mood for it.


I used to listen to a lot of atmospheric black metal but then stopped because too many songs have those annoying overly long intros where it's just some random "atmospheric" crap like 5 minutes of bird chirping sounds or something.


Normally I wouldn't listen to any black metal these days but youtube randomly recommended me this song and I found it to have a nice vibe so I posted it.

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