got freed from the chains

Posted by Anonymous 7 months ago Follow
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[–] Anonymous ee9bda9e 2 points

Reminds me of this one hyper needy chick I was trying to bang. Italian chick, a wannabe fitness influencer, y'know the type with the tiny waist and a gigantic ass? Your basic Chun Li silhouette. Well I'd made it my goal in life to bury my tongue tonsils deep in that gigantic ass and nothing was going to stop me, not even the fact that this was the most needy, annoying woman I'd ever met.

How needy? First morning after exchanging numbers she calls me at 4:30am. She says she's always up at 4am and she always wants to talk to her guy when she wakes up as part of the routine. Massive red flag but as I said, her ass and my tongue had a date with destiny that I refused to endanger for something so trivial as rest. It took two dates which took two weeks of 4am lovey dovey wake up calls, and daily multi-hour meandering "you hang up, no YOU hang up" type phone convos and a lot of cringey PDA before I was granted access to mount booty.

Literally the next day her family drops the news that they're moving their business overseas and she has to go with because she's heir to their whole weird shipping thing that sounded kinda shady now that I think about it. It felt like I had just defeated a super difficult game that I now had the satisfaction of both having won and never having to go through the slog of playing it again. After another climb of mount booty I used an "I don't do long distance" excuse to rile up her fear of abandonment and one screaming match later I was free of her needy shit for good. Felt like I just won the Superbowl.

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