As a musician there are many experiences that allow me to grow, learn, and play of course. That being said I joined their pit orchestra for a theater play and to sum up my time... it was great! Free food, they were very goofy and free spirited. The worst part about it wasn't even related to the play, it was my friend who made me decide to even join in the first place. For a song at a specific section everytime I solo'd there he just shook his head at me and mouthed, "That was bad." while looking at me with disappointment. So I ended up passing the solo to him or our trombonist everytime, leaving me with no individual part for most of the performances. Great friend I know. I tried to do it again for the last show, same place, same everything, and he gave me the same reaction. Same guy who broke MY instrument that I gave him to play in this show half way through the week... Yeah... he got me a new one though so I guess it all works out... Here's what it looks like.

Edited 1 month ago

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Your friend's behaviour reminds me of that one time when I was playing some team sport in a highschool PE class (I think it was volleyball) and then I made a mistake and everyone started shouting at me. I told them that I don't even care and left the court. Got dragged back in by the coach though.


I was told that people who like commenting on others' mistakes do so because they are insecure about themselves.

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Sad truth unfortunately. So sad in fact that I feel as if I need to be the one who can put smiles on our faces again (rare cause i never take initiative). I'll make a video of myself playing! (Hopefully)

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Anonymous be9c5525


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Anonymous 75b64b73

new sax for free, let's go

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