/s/india - Rules and Guidelines

Global Guidelines

  • No Politics

    1. Post/Comments related to Political (Domestic/International) parties, members, Promotions, working, news or any general things related to politics will be Removed! If you break this rule, a strike or a ban will be given to you! 2. Any Political joke/satire/humor/gifs/images aren't tolerated. "It's a joke" is not an excuse! 3. Keep the environment Casual, lighthearted.

  • No Bigotry, Religious & Offensive Content

    1. Content having bigotry or hate promoting content which includes but not limited to Racism, Casteism, Misogyny and other similar variants will be removed. 2. Keep religion in your hearts and out of the sub. 3. Promotion/Discussion of hatred or encouragement of communal disharmony not allowed. This includes but not limited to Communal events. 4. Religious/Communal/Casteist slurs & name-calling will directly be removed and user will be given a ban.

  • Personal Attacks & Harassment

    1. Do not threaten, harass (including negative approach), abuse, doxx or bully other members - or encourage others to do so. This includes Targeted harassment, Being a creep, Sending unsolicited Private Messages (with or without permission), Participating in a brigade against any user anywhere on the site. 2. Heated discussions, Slap fights, Pointlessly Argumentative, Aggression, Unwelcome Comment will be removed and user will be given a ban. 3. Don't be Rude/hostile to others. Be Civil.

  • Content Guideline

    1. Submission Title to be in English only. Provide a translation for Non English content. 2. Post Related to India/Indians Only. 3. No Discussions about other subs. 4. No Graphic, Sexual, Improper & Pornographic content. 5. Mark NSFW/NSFL. 6. No Frequent Re-posts. 7. No Spamming. 8. No Promos! 9. No survey/Donation/Begging threads. 10. No illegal Content