true story.

Posted by milktoast 1 year ago Follow

>Hang out with my 15 year old cousin

>Mom tells me (23yrs old) to keep that door open

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[–] Anonymous 65527d4b 1 point

Yeah I wonder why…

>Genshin Impact avatar.


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[–] Mr_trololo 2 points TRIPS GET

>tfw when your own mom doesn't even trust you

Seriously, what did you do that led to you to having this bad of a reputation?

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[–] ANGUSPOUNDER 2 points

Why are you hanging out with a 15 year old?

The fact your mom told you to keep the door open tells everyone that it wasn't her idea to begin with.

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[–] milktoast 1 point

She's my cousin.

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[–] av1videocodec 3 points

I wonder who she thinks will do the raping, and who she thinks will be the rapee?

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[–] Quack 1 point

>be milktoast

>mom thinks he is a weirdo for some reason

>milktoast thinks that this is for no reason and that he didnt do anything

>goes on Mainchan to tell his story in the form of a greentext


Hang out with my 15 year old cousin

Mom tells me (23yrs old) to keep that door open

>tfw milktoast just got exposed on 4k on Mainchan

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