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Posted by _by_me 2 years ago Follow
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[–] Anonymous 8b0c941e 1 point

pretty cool but what is it for

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[–] _by_me 1 point

Generative art is what it sounds like; art made with computers. I'd recommend this book if you want to get into the rabbit hole.

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[–] admin 1 point

Very cool anon again, I don't know if you are the coder behind it, but it´s very nice.

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[–] _by_me 1 point

Thanks, and yes, I'm the coder. This is trivial to implement if you know the basics of programming. In fact, it's one of the most well known pieces of generative art.

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[–] admin 1 point

Interesting, I never dug into generative art, but it's quite cool to see your stuff.

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