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[–] airwick 2 points

what i picked up so far

honestly i've been only playing one step from eden and caveblazers the most, both incredibly based

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[–] mrawesome 1 point


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[–] NiggerFaggot 1 point

I've been enjoying the absolute fuck out of Cruelty Squad.

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[–] Anonymous cf6fbd28 1 point *

I picked up the final fantasy game where one of the first cutscenes has Jack say "I'm tired of fighting monsters, when are we going to fight chaos?"

Edit:strangers in paradise is the name of the game

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[–] Anonymous cf6fbd28 2 points

I recommend elden ring as it's more recent though they're all fun. Dark souls games always lets you basically set the difficulty by allowing you to run different builds. Using a shield makes the game easier, using a bigger shield makes the game even easier, and for an even easy-breezier run you can use magic and just blast things from a distance!

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[–] airwick 2 points

Magic is really really easy. Shields are also easy but less so.

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[–] Floorislava 2 points

I'm not sure, I've been getting wrecked by the dragons in the game!

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