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[–] Anonymous f72b41d1 5 points
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[–] Anonymous 4da60d57 6 points
I also have a special message for the b******: I advise you not to include Denuvo in your next game. Right now, it’s at the top of my list, and by protecting it with Denuvo, you’ll just be wasting money and resources because in 10 days, I’ll be hacking and everyone will be playing for free anyway.

I still don't get why transexuals hate Rowling so much, and why they are so bent on boycotting a woke game such as this one that likely had minimal involvement from her in the first place.

Anyway it's still a win for piracy, and cracking a denuvo game so quickly is an impressive achievement.

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[–] gabe4linux 3 points

I agree with you.

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