I've found myself wanting to quickly turn off posts with a certain tag, but I have to navigate all the way to the settings page in order to do so. Wouldn't it make more sense to have all these switches be for filtering rather than distilling? Then if someone wants to see one of those tags exclusively, all they have to do is quickly switch off everything else.
While on the subject, another switch for political posts would be really great.
Edited 2 months ago
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You can turn off certain tags entirely in settings. The toggles are just for times where you want ALL posts to be NSFW/text. I can think of use cases for these, which is why I added them.
>While on the subject, another switch for political posts would be really great.
You want a toggle that makes it so you only see political posts?
I mainly wanted political filtering to be easily accessible from the main page, especially with that feature being such a strong point of advertising for the platform. Oversaturation of political posts is the #1 complaint I see about reddit, so I think that having the feature front and center would be a good way to entice people into signing up.
I don't mind seeing political posts very much, but I'd like to also be able to easily flip them off to check what's underneath them. This will become more true as the site gains more users, and political events result in transient floods of posts taking up the front page.
After thinking on it some more, it seems that filter toggles would remove some capabilities. Perhaps an additional toggle for "untagged-only" posts would be an easier approach?
I could do that.