I accidentally ate a moldy bread today by accident. It was about 6 slices until I noticed and stopped. No effects so far.

Edited 1 year ago

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[–] Sassafras 3 points

You'll be fine. I accidentally ate half a hot dog before I noticed the bun had mold on it.

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[–] ANGUSPOUNDER 3 points

I accidentally at half your mom's pussy before I noticed her pusslips had moldy yeast on them.

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[–] Anonymous 79224594 2 points
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[–] dodgeTHIS 2 points
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[–] Anonymous 88fa7cf0 1 point

How did you eat 6 entire slices before noticing?

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[–] Mr_trololo 2 points

I was sleep deprived

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[–] ANGUSPOUNDER 1 point

hey you got some fuckin tits don't you dude...

how bout lettin me slap em around a little bit and drop ropes of cum all over em...

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[–] Coolguy 1 point


I literally ate 2 full of moldy bread that i havent noticed

maybe i get aids or something

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