How do you even cope?

Posted by Anonymous 1 year ago

Most of my life is spent working or worrying about work. When I get home, I'm too tired to do anything I actually want to do. Is this life? I don't want to be part of society if this is it.

What are your plans of escaping the 9-5 wageslavery? I'm thinking more and more about living deep in the woods of a national park.

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admin - daily life


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Anonymous 3877bda7

>By being able to choose what you want to work with will result literally free you from "wageslavery"

my problem is that what i want to do is constantly shifting. i used to like programming, but after doing it every single day for the past 4 years i have grown so tired of it. this is the same for everything i do. and i can't just decide to switch my job to say, music, if i randomly become interested in music, because i'll be shit at it and unemployable. and by the time i'm employable in it i'll start to hate it, lel.

the things that are meaningful to me are so risky and everchanging. i'd be so happy to get neetbux so i could focus on those things. it's also hard to find places that pay livable wages and are willing to let me work for like, 20 hours a week.

but yeah, i just wanted to rant. i think humans are naturally supposed to be depressed. once i get what i want, i end up tired and bored of it. thanks for your comment

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admin - daily life

Thanks for your reply, if you ever find out the answer please reach out, because your answer hits home.

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try to find ways to make the work itself enjoyable. don't know how you would do that exactly, but that's probably the only way out of your predicament aside from a career change.

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Anonymous f1df75f3

One possible long-term solution is to invest in the stock market, choosing companies that have a proven track record of slow but steady growth. You won't get rich overnight, but a few years from now you may have built a decent source of passive income.

Or you could do the "digital nomad" thing, where you work online while moving to a country that has a low cost of living.

There are various paths, but they all have their thorns... Living in the woods sounds nice, but it requires a certain set of survival skills, and the ability to endure prolonged social isolation...

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Anonymous 3877bda7

>invest in the stock market

i see this as part of the 401k trap. it turns life into just waiting for the future. this is what i've done all my life.

"man school sucks. i can't wait until i graduate!" -> "man work sucks. i can't wait until i retire!"

i just want to live now. i can't really live when i'm old anyway.

>digital nomad

i'd rather escape work entirely, but it would definitely be better than my life now.

>the ability to endure prolonged social isolation...

no problem. i've been socially isolated my entire life

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Anonymous f1df75f3

Escaping work entirely, well, that's the dream isn't it? But we also have to be realistic... Have you looked into the "4-hour workweek" by Tim Ferriss?

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