I'm finally learning to draw

Posted by Anonymous 1 year ago Follow

Feels good, man. I might post some sketches in the next few days.

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[–] Gokturks_are_furries 2 points

good job anon. I really need to pick that up myself one of these days.

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[–] admin - daily life 2 points

If you are interested in some inspiration, this guy inspires me.


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[–] kwk 1 point

nice anon, i also want to learn how to draw but just havent gotten around to it yet

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[–] Anonymous 3c9377dc 2 points

Just watch some tutorials on Youtube on how to draw faces, trees, things like that! The basic methods are fairly simple, it's just a matter of practicing and integrating the various bits of knowledge into your practice as you keep learning new things.

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[–] admin - daily life 1 point

If you are interested in some inspiration, this guy inspires me.


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[–] admin - daily life 1 point

Keep up the good work anon! I stopped studying korean some time ago, but this encouraged me to pick it up again.


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[–] Anonymous 3c9377dc 1 point

Why do you want to learn Korean?

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[–] admin - daily life 1 point TRIPS GET

To learn a language with a different alphabet and grammar. But the reasons as to why Korean instead of other languages (Arab, Japanese, Chinese and etc) are:

* An interest in the culture, particularly content(Manhwas, Idols, Series and VTubers)

* The Hangul

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[–] Anonymous 3c9377dc 1 point

Doesn't Japan have a better culture than Korea though? Most of the people interested in Korea seem to be the typical blue-haired feminists and other assorted human garbage with Korean pop singers as their avatar...

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[–] admin - daily life 1 point

Japanese is also interesting, but the language is much more difficult. Personally I also think Japan and Korea have similar cultures(?), but it most likely is just lack of knowledge from my part.

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